Monday, May 10, 2010


I feel empty,hollow on the inside of my if nothing excites me..I duno wat thing that truly leads to the emptiness of my heart..i feel that something is missing..haihh,wat's actly happen???i can't think of anything in tis moments.It's as if I were a shell,or only an empty package,n I want tis feelin to go away before it gets worse n makes me do things i do not want to do.

Watever it is,i must b strong.i must get prepared for my comin exam which falls on 20,24,25 n 26 May..cant wait 4 the holidays..i miss my sisters so muchhh...

For d moment,i just keep myself closer to God..i offer up everythg to God tat God will give me a peace of heart..He is my best-friend ever....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

is HEART meant to be BROKEN???


life is complicated but love is even more complicated...

huh,heal me pls..wil b having my exam 2nite but i cant get rid of this feeling..sadness,loneliness.

Dear Beatrice,stop thinking abt d LOVE matter at d moment..FOCUS on ur EXAM!!!