Saturday, May 7, 2011


It's not a joke..n im not joking.
This post is about Jhowiezacheus John, seorang lelaki Limbang, berusia 22 years (yg penting,aku muda setahun gk dr nya..haha)
pssttt.y i chose him to be the main story of my post today??
dijadikan cerita,this morning,my rumate bukak her blog.then she shouted my name..
trus,apa lg,aku pn laju la tengok what's on her laptop?
then i saw a GREAT drawing,a picture of me with my rumate,drawn by JHOWIEZACHEUS JOHN.
seriously,i felt touched by his drawing.though it's just a quick sketch,but it really impressed me...ermm,u know,when someone appreciated u in his drawing,mmg terharu la sgt2..yerrr.

So,here's a candid shot of him.seorang jejaka yang dilahirkan dengan bakat bermain alat muzik,pandai melukis,a great teacher to-be n a gud bro too...(tk bukan bodek aa,ikhlas dr hati.haha)
pesanan jhowie: mun takorg mok nya lukis gambar takorg,rajin2 la mlawat blog nya..hehe..


ZACH HUGE said...

hahaha...blas dndam nmpak..XP

God's Princess said...

secebis penghargaan bh ya..